HDD Group
Set the HDD and record channel belong to different group, display the HDD total capacity, free capacity, record time.
Query the HDD model, serial number, firmware version, temperature, health status and SMART attribution.
System Information
Query and display the device model, software version, SCM version, IP address, MAC address, language, resolution.
Record Status
Display the record status of each channel (record type, image quality, definition, audio, Code rate).
Alarm Status
Display the alarm status of each channel (sensor alarm, motion alarm, video loss, video shield), HDD alarm, network
disconnect alarm, temperature alarm and alarm clear.
Online Status
Display the device online information (online user, login IP, login time).
Log Inquiry
Inquiry the system log, display the log quantity and backup log.
Input State
Display the audio/video source type (video/audio status).
Quick Settings
Quick set time, network setting, HDD information inquiry and format, local code stream and network stream, manual record.
User Management
1. Add new user, delete user/group;
2. Change local/remote user account and authority. Support remote user authorities: remote preview, parameter setup,
remote playback, remote backup, log inquiry, voice talk, remote upgrade, user binding IP and MAC address.
Reset To Default
To default setting: general setting, output setting, coding parameter, schedule record, alarm setting , network setting,
COM setting, timing restart, PTZ setting.
Upgrade Management
FTP Upgrade, USB Upgrade.
Schedule Restart
Enable system schedule function to set the restart time.