E-flite Enticement F3P Profile Assembly Manual
2. Locate the 10
-inch (274mm) carbon rod. Position
the rod from the slot near the leading edge of the wing to
the rear position on the vertical fuselage. Glue ONLY the
position at the wing at this time. The carbon will protrude
out of the top of the wing for all struts about 1–2mm.
3. Locate the 11
-inch (294mm) carbon rod. Position
the rod from the slot near the aileron hinge line of the
wing to the forward position on the vertical fuselage.
Glue ONLY the position at the wing at this time.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the opposite wing panel.
5. Check the alignment of the wing to the fuselage to
make sure the wing is not twisted and is parallel to the
work surface. Use foam-safe CA to glue the carbon rods
to the vertical fuselage once the alignment has been
checked thoroughly.
6. Locate the two 1
-inch (41mm) carbon rods. Position
the rod in the wing flush with the top of the wing.
Align the carbon rod at the "V" intersection nearest the
fuselage of the carbon wing rods. Use foam-safe CA
to glue the 1
-inch (41mm) carbon rods to the wing
and the intersection of the carbon rods. The support rod
should be perpendicular to the wing.