SmartZone operation, the control channel data rate
is 3600 baud (both digital and analog calls) and the
narrowband digital voice data rate is 9600 baud.
The P25 mode uses a system ID, Wide Area
Communications Network (WACN) ID, and RF
Subsystem ID (RFSS). The SmartZone mode does
not use the WACN and RFSS IDs.
P25 Unit IDs can be 1-16,777,215 (000001-FFFFFF
hex) and SmartZone Unit IDs can be 1-65,535
(0001-FFFF hex).
A zone and channel are selected to place and
receive calls. The following describes the relationship
between systems, channels, and zones.
A system is a collection of channels or talk
groups belonging to the same repeater site. It defines
all the parameters and protocol information required to
access a site. Up to 16 systems of any type can be
The maximum number of channels assignable to
a system is limited to 256. Channels may also be
limited by available memory space as described in the
following information.
A channel selects a radio (RF) channel or talk
group as follows:
Conventional Analog Mode -
A channel selects a
specific radio channel, Call Guard (CTCSS/DCS)
squelch coding, and other parameters unique to that
Conventional Project 25 Mode -
A channel selects a
specific radio channel, NAC squelch coding, talk
group ID, and other parameters unique to that channel.
SMARTNET/SmartZone and Trunked Project 25
Modes -
A channel selects a specific talk group,
announcement group, emergency group, and other
parameters unique to that talk group.
A maximum of up to approximately 256 channels
can be programmed with the preceding modes. These
channels can belong to a single system or multiple
systems. The maximum number is also limited by the
available memory. For example, since more memory is
required to program a SMARTNET system than a
conventional system, the total number of channels
decreases as the number of SMARTNET channels
increases. The programming software displays a bar
graph which shows the amount of available memory
space that is used by the current data.
A zone is a collection of up to 16 channels of any
type. For example, a zone could include 12 conven-
tional channels and 4 SMARTNET channels. One use
of zones may be to program the channels used for
operation in a different geographical areas. The
maximum number of zones is 16.