Dynamix UM-SE G.SHDSL.bis EFM Bridge Modem User Manual V003
Queue Weight:
Queue Index
0 1 2 3
Value Queue
There are two type queue schedule: Type 1 and type 2 for your selection.
The schedule types according to following table:
Queue 0 Queue 1 Queue 2 Queue 3
Type 1
Type 2
Command: setup qos qSchdl <Type1|Type2|>
Message: Please input the following information.
Operation type (TAB Select) <Type1>: Type1
The queuing algorithms:
WRR Weight Round Robin
Best Effort
Strictly Priority
SP(Strictly Priority) services queues based on priority only. As traffic comes into the EFM
modem, traffic on the highest priority queue, Q3 is transmitted first. When that queue empties,
traffic on the next highest-priority queue, Q2 transmitted until Q2 empties, and then traffic is
transmitted on Q1 and so on. If higher priority queues never empty, then traffic on lower
priority never gets sent. The SP class is typically for video applications that require a fixed
amount of bandwidth to be considered good quality.
BE(Best Effort) is used for data applications or any non-classified traffic. This would include
e-mail, Internet browsing, data back-up etc. The BE class is for traffic that can afford to wait
and not affect the overall outcome of the data application.
WRR(Weight Round Robin) services on a rotating basis and is activated only when a port has
more traffic than it can handle. A queue is a given an amount of bandwidth irrespective of the
incoming traffic on that port. The queue then moves to the back of the list. The next queue is
given an equal amount of bandwidth, and then moves to the end of the list, and so on,
depending on the number of queues being used, This works in a looping fashion until a queue
is empty.