Dynamix UM-SE G.SHDSL.bis EFM Bridge Modem User Manual V003
3 Configuration use Web Browser
3.1 Configuration
There are three methods to configure the EFM modem: serial console, Telnet and Web
Browser. Users have to choose one method to configure the EFM modem.
3.1.1 Web
Make sure that Ethernet Adapter had been installed in PC or NB used for configuration of the
modem. TCP/IP protocol is necessary for web configuration, so please check the TCP/IP
protocol whether it has been installed.
The EFM modem provides a browser interface that lets you configure and manage the EFM
modem. After you set up your IP address for the EFM modem. You can access the EFM
modem’s Web interface applications directly in your browser by entering the IP address of the
EFM modem.You can then use your Web browser to list and manage configuration parameters
from PC.
Web Configuration requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or later or Netscape Navigator 6.0 and later
versions. The recommended screen resolution is 1024 by 768 pixels.
Serial console configuration
For Serial Console, users can directly connecting a terminal or a PC equipped with a
terminal-emulation program (such as Hyper Terminal) to the EFM modem’s serial console port.
Use the supplied serial cable (RJ-45 to DB9F) is required to connect the EFM modem to PC.
After marking this connection, configure the terminal-emulation program to use the following
parameters: 9600 bps , 8 data bits , no parity and 1 stop bit.
3.1.3 Telnet
Make sure that Ethernet Adapter had been installed in PC or NB used for configuration of the
modem. The EFM modem also supports telnet for remote configuration. The command is
“telnet” . It with asks for user name and password for remote login when using
telnet, please use “admin” for username and “admin” for password. All display screen are as
same as serial console configuration.
The IP address is the default vaule and you can change to another one for you