No. 60025, Issue 5. January 1999
8 Programming
The Wizard can be used to restrict the minimum and maximum limits for Drive
Program parameters adjustable with an HHP.
Max Forward Speed *
Range :
10 - 100%
Default :
OEM Access: Read / Write
Dealer Access: Read / Write
Sets the maximum speed obtainable for maximum forward joystick
Forward Acceleration *
Range :
10 - 70%
: 40
OEM Access: Read / Write
Dealer Access: Read / Write
Sets the maximum output (linear) acceleration rate for large joystick
forward deflections, where 70% provides the quickest response.
Warning :
Setting the Acceleration / Deceleration too low or too high can
result in an unsafe wheelchair. Test thoroughly after programming to ensure
that the wheelchair complies with regulatory requirements such as ISO7176
7176 and the GMD-TND Homologation Directive R04 for maximum allowable
braking distance.
Forward Deceleration *
Range :
15 - 100%
: 70
OEM Access: Read / Write
Dealer Access: Read / Write
Sets the maximum braking effect (linear deceleration) for large joystick
deflection back towards neutral, where 100% provides maximum braking
Max Reverse Speed *
Range :
10 - 100%
Default :
OEM Access: Read / Write
Dealer Access: Read / Write
Sets the maximum speed obtainable for maximum reverse joystick