No. 60025, Issue 5. January 1999
7 Batteries and Charging
Battery Condition Warnings
A battery warning is shown by the Battery Gauge flashing its LEDs, the
number of which depends on what it currently has lit.
Battery High warning condition
This condition occurs when the battery voltage exceeds 28V, as measured by
the PM.
The cause can be :
The wheelchair is still on charge and the batteries are full or faulty.
The batteries are overcharged.
The wheelchair is travelling down a slope and the batteries are full or
The wheelchair will drive during this fault condition which will reset
automatically when the battery voltage drops below 28V.
Battery Low warning condition
This condition occurs when the battery voltage drops below 23.3V, when the
joystick is in neutral.
The cause can be :
If the Battery Gauge flashes with orange or green
LEDs lit, but the cause is not due to a Battery High
warning condition, the battery or battery wiring may
be faulty.
If the Battery Gauge flashes with just the left 3 or 4
LEDs after stopping the wheelchair, the battery may
be too small for the wheelchair type, or the battery
may be old or damaged.
The wheelchair will drive during this fault condition, but the flashing will
continue until the joystick is returned to neutral again.
A Battery Low warning normally coincides with a Low Capacity warning.