– Workshop Manual – D6000/i14/V10
© Dycon Ltd 2014
ignored when the input is configured as a digital input. The state labels are the first 2 labels,
Off and On in the diagram.
9876 POINT Input2 TYPE 0
9876 POINT Input2 THRES 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
9876 POINT Input2 LEVELS Off On Na Na Na
9876 POINT Input2 DEBOUNCE 20
Threshold values are input voltage values in the range 0.0000 to 3.0000.
An input can be configured to create alarm events on any state change; only high to low
(negative edge), only low to high (positive edge) or no alarms. See diagram, black dot
negative, white dot moving positive.
9876 POINT Input2 ALARM pos
Hysteresis can be applied to the threshold level to create a digital input with a dead zone,
See diagram. The Off level is the threshold value; the On value is (Thr Hysteresis).
9876 POINT Input2 HYST 0.1
*Debounce algorithm: the new reading has got to be in the same state for N samples before
a change of state is registered. See section 7.5 for more detail.
Please Note: the AVERAGE and DEBOUNCE keywords are interchangeable; a point will
either use the value as number of samples to average or number of samples to debounce
depending on the input type.