Operating and Maintenance Instructions
8702042 – 01/10/2014 – R.4
Full r.pm. pump operation must be without vibration or unusual noise. If these are present, stop
the pump immediately, search for the cause and eliminate it.
When oil looks dark or cloudy or when oil level rises, this means that oil contains foreign matters.
For the pumps equipped with gas ballast must follow this procedure:
Close the system cutoff valve. The pump must operate with the intake completely closed;
Unscrew the ballast valve no.5 of 2 turns;
Let pump run under these conditions for at least 1 hour;
If oil appearance is not back to normal (light colour and no signs of emulsifying), change oil.
The pump must be stopped by cutting off the power supply.
If the pump is to be powered off, decontaminate the oil and let it run with closed intake for about 30 minutes.
This procedure prevents the pump from being damaged during following start ups, allows to eliminate any moisture
inside the intake chamber and to avoid the oxidation of the rotor.
In the case of long machine downtime, completely drain the oil from the pump to avoid hazards of frost during cold
weather or corrosion due to possible chemical alteration of the stagnant liquid in the pump.