Operating and Maintenance Instructions
8702042 – 01/10/2014 – R.4
Legislative decree 81/08 gives the user the task of classifying the AREAS and then to check under their own
responsibility, that the area where the pump will be installed is consistent with its CATEGORY.
The pump is designed to extract and process fluids, gases or vapours containing ATEX atmospheres from an area
classified as having danger of explosion
according to Directive 99/92/CE (Title XI Legis. 81/08) and be
installed in environments that are
(see 1.7 "Marking" and 3.1.1 "Intended Use" of this
"Place where it is unlikely that an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture of air and flammable
substances in the form of gas, vapour or mist, is present during normal operation but, if it occurs, will persist for only
a short period ".
D.V.P. Vacuum Technology s.p.a. disclaims any liability for the improper installation of the pump in areas other than
those certified.
Any use of the pump to process fluids, gases or vapours containing potentially explosive
atmospheres (ATEX) in areas other than that certified (i.e. zone 1 or 0) is a serious danger to the
health and safety of people.
Any use of the pump to process fluids, gases or vapours in "normal atmospheres" (NON-explosive) does not affect
its operation or the safety of people.
The pump must be installed and used in a covered and adequately lit location.
The installation area must meet all
requirements of height, air circulation and meet the requirements imposed by existing legislation.
Temperature, Humidity and altitude
The corresponding limit values are shown in the table of the technical specifications (see 3.3 “Dimensions and
characteristics” of this manual). Please contact the Manufacturer if environmental conditions are different from
those prescribed.
All areas must be illuminated evenly and sufficiently to ensure all operations included in this manual and must be
without shadows, reflections, glare or eyestrain.
Before carrying out any interventions, make sure that the area has been cleared of the possible
presence of potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX).
To ensure perfect pump operation, house and place it according to the following conditions:
Allow sufficient space on the perimeter sides of the pump and make sure to keep the motor ventilation side free.
Make sure the free space adjacent to the pump allows easy access to components for inspection or
maintenance and also allows access for suitable lifting equipment.
The pump is equipped with mounting points. It is necessary to ensure it locks onto a perfectly horizontal plane in
order to avoid tilting in case of transportation by the system user.
Some models are already equipped with rubber vibration dampers installed at pump attachment points.
Whenever the model has not been equipped, ensure installation of such equipment so as not to transmit
vibration to the pump.
Ensure there is ventilation in the room, or inside the machine housing the pump and prevent air coming in from
the cooling fans, which could cause discomfort to personnel.
Make sure there is no loss of fluid, gas or vapours from the intake and exhaust pipes or fittings of the pump.
Do not install the pump in any area with dust or other materials that could clog or rapidly cover
cooling surfaces.