MCP 4 – User's manual
4.2- Compiling the program
The compiling is the second step of MCP 4 programming process.
The file containing the program (.EQU
extension) must be compiled through the proper menu item of MCP IDE utility
The compiler processes the written equations, checks the syntax and the congruence, warns the errors if any
and links the data in a binary file which name is the same as the .EQU file but with .BIN extension. The binary
file is not in a printable format but it is adequate to be transferred in the MCP 4 memory.
To write and compile a program, it is not necessary to connect MCP 4 controller to PC.
If during the compiling process one or more errors occur, they will be displayed on the screen of the PC in a
proper window and the program continues to check all other equations.
The compiler may also reports some WARNINGs: this means that no errors have been detected but there
are some points to be verified before to upload the program to MCP 4 memory.
4.3- Uploading the program to MCP 4 memory
Last step of MCP 4 programming process is the
uploading to its flash MEMORY of the binary file
containing the system configuration and the program code. This is the third and last step after having written
and copiled the program.
The uploading is made by the proper menu item of MCP IDE utility trough the RS232 port of PC connected to
the MCP 4 serial port. The program can be however transferred also through the RS485 port or through the
LAN network (using, for instance, the WEBS module in bridge mode).
The uploading of the program requires that MCP 4 controller be supplied and connected to PC, normally by
means of the proper cable provided with MCP 4.
A new program transferred to MCP 4 is stored in a different memory location and therefore, during the
download, the program previously loaded continues to operate without interruption; only when downloading of
the new program is completed, and if everything goes well, the automatic switch from the old program to the
new one will be performed.
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Rel.: 1.2 October 2018
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