MCP 4 – User's manual
The color of the module symbols included in the groups can be:
that module was not configured in the current program
the module does not answer to MCP 4
two or more modules have the same address
The 4 buttons
in the group window allow to change the graphic mode. The first two modes will
zoom in and zoom out; 4 zoom levels are available. The other two buttons act on the labels, showing or
hiding them respectively.
The names of each input and output point were assigned in the
same way described before (double click on the label on the right
side of each LED).
The figure on this right side shows
the option related to the graphical
mode without labels and applied
zoom level 3:
To remove a real or virtual module from a group, click on any area of the
module itself while holding down the Alt button on the keyboard; a confirmation
will be required before the deleting.
It is also possible to Copy and Paste a module in the same group or from a
group to another one. To copy a module in the Clipboard, Click on any area of
the module itself while holding down the Ctrl button on the keyboard. To paste
the module from the Clipboard to a group, press the button
in the
destination group.
Each group can be saved (or updated) in a file by the button
or by the related menu item and then
reloaded by the button
For analog modules, MCP VISIO
allows the setting of the
measurement scale. The figure on
this right side shows 3 analog
modules (MOAN/I4, MOD2PT e
MODNTC) inside a group of MCP
Each te4 box inside the graphic
representation of the module is the values read from the field
(or the simulated value). Clicking on these te4 boxes with the right button of the mouse, a window allowing to
change the measurement scale setting appears; the values shown in this window depend on the considered
module. For instance, clicking with right button on a te4 box of MOAN/I4 module, the window shown on this
left side will appear; the zero value and the full scale value can be set in this window.
The Value/Bit is the achieved resolution using the currently setting of zero and full scale values. As shown,
the default settings for this module are Zero Value = 0 and Full scale Value = 10.
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