If you enter information into a section and make a mistake, press the [#] key to exit the section. Select that
section again and re-enter the information correctly.
If you are using a pulse format, a decimal zero [0] does not transmit. Programming a zero [0] tells the
panel not to send any pulses for that digit. Decimal zero [0] is a filler digit. To make a zero [0] transmit, it
must be programmed as a Hexadecimal ‘A’.
Example: for the three digit account number ‘403’, you would enter [4], [
] [1] [
] [3], [0].
[4] to enter the digit 4
] to enter Hexadecimal mode (Ready light flashes)
[1] to enter A
] to return to decimal mode (Ready light is solid)
[3] to enter the digit 3
[0] to enter the digit 0 as a filler digit.
Programming Toggle Option Sections
Some Sections contain several toggle options. The panel will use zone lights 1 through 8 to indicate if the
different options are enabled or disabled. Refer to the Programming Worksheets to determine what each
option represents and whether the light should be ON or OFF for your application.
Press the number corresponding to the option to toggle the light ON or OFF.
Once all the toggle options have been selected correctly press the [#] key to exit the Section and save the
changes. The panel will turn off the Ready light and turn on the Armed light.
Viewing Programming
LED Keypads
Any program Section can be viewed through the keypad. When a Section is entered the keypad will
immediately display the first digit of information programmed in that Section.
The keypad displays the information using a binary format where:
Zone Light 1 = 1
Zone Light 2 = 2
Zone Light 3 = 4
Zone Light 4 = 8
Add up the values for the zone lights to determine the number displayed (for example, no zone lights = 0,
all 4 zone lights = 15 HEX ‘F’).
Press any of the Emergency Keys (Fire, Auxiliary or Panic) to advance to the next digit. When all the digits
in a Section have been viewed the panel will exit the Section, turn off the Ready Light, turn on the Armed
light and wait for the next three digit Section number to be entered. If the [#] key is pressed the panel will
also exit the Section.
LCD Keypad
Any program section can be viewed through the keypad. Depending on the section entered, the LCD will
display the information differently as below:
Sections Entered
LCD Display
Phone number ..................... Entire phone number
Partition identifier code ....... Entire partition identifier code
Toggle option ....................... Entire section (all options)
Reporting code ................... Each 2-digit reporting code at a time
Use the arrow keys (<>) to scroll through the data being displayed.
Scroll past the end of the data displayed or press the [#] key to exit the Section.