The PC5010 has a built-in feature called Audible Exit Fault. See Section 5.15 “Entry/Exit Delay
Options for more information.
To disarm the panel enter the premises through the designated entry/exit door. The keypad will emit a
steady beep to warn that you must disarm the system. During the last 10 seconds of entry delay the panel
will pulse the keypad beeper on and off rapidly to warn the entry delay is about to expire. Enter a valid
Access Code at the keypad. If an error is made press the [#] key and enter the code again. When a
correct code is entered the keypad will turn off the ‘Armed’ light and stop the keypad buzzer. If an alarm
occurred while the panel was armed the ‘Memory’ light and the zones which caused the alarm will be
flashing. Press the [#] key to return the keypad to the Ready state.
Auto Bypass
(Shall not be used on UL Listed systems)
When the system is armed and any zone or zone(s) on the system have been programmed as Stay/Away
the panel will immediately turn on the ‘Bypass’ light. It will then monitor all zones programmed as Delay 1
and Delay 2. If no delay type zone is violated by the end of the exit delay the panel will bypass all Stay/
Away type zones. The ‘Bypass’ light will remain on to inform the home owner that the interior protection
has been automatically bypassed by the panel. If a delay zone is violated during the exit delay, the Stay/
Away zones will be active after the exit delay expires.
This is a convenience for the user that wishes to arm the panel while at home. The user does not have to
bypass the interior manually.
The user can add the Stay/Away zones back into the system at any time by entering the [
] [1] keypad
Other methods of Stay arming are available
] Commands
Zone Bypass/Reactivate Stay/Away Zones
The [
] [1] keypad command can be used to bypass individual zones. It can be used if the user wants to
have access to an area while the Partition is armed or to bypass a defective zone (bad contact, damaged
wiring) until service can be provided.
A Partition can be armed with a bypassed zone. A bypassed zone will not cause an alarm.
Code Required for Bypass
(required for UL Listed systems)
is enabled an access code will be
required to enter the Bypass mode. Only user codes with the Bypass attribute enabled will be able to
bypass zones
Zones can only be bypassed when the partition is disarmed.
To bypass a zone:
1. Enter [
] [1] (access code if required).
2. The keypad will flash the ‘Bypass’ light and turn on the zone lights for any zones already bypassed.
3. Enter the 2 digit zone number to bypass the zone.
4. The keypad will turn on the zone light.
5. Press [#].
All zones that were lit when the [#] key was pressed are now bypassed. The ‘Bypass’ light will be on
steady to indicate zones are bypassed.
To un-bypass a zone:
1. Enter [
] [1] (access code if required).
2. The keypad will flash the ‘Bypass’ light and turn on the zone lights for any zones already bypassed.
3. Enter the 2 digit zone number to un-bypass the zone.
4. The keypad will turn off the zone light.
5. Press [#].
All zones that were lit when the [#] key was pressed are now bypassed. If no zones were lit, the ‘Bypass’
light will be off and no zones will be bypassed.
When a Partition is disarmed all manually bypassed zones will be un-bypassed.
Reactivate Interior
If a Partition is armed in the Stay mode
Section 3.2 “Arming / Disarming”
), the [
] [1] command can be
used to reactivate the Stay/Away zones.
Please ensure all force-armed zones are restored before reactivating the Stay/Away zones.
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