• Gain Control - Remove the backplate. The speaker volume
control is located directly above the microphone and the
microphone sensitivity control is located directly beneath the
speaker. Turning either of these controls counter clockwise
will reduce their gain, thereby reducing the possible level of
• Placement - Avoid installing intercom stations directly across
from one another. Feedback may also occur due to room
acoustics which will be affected by several different factors
such as the size of the room, whether or not the floor is car-
peted and different objects that may be in the room. Try mov-
ing one of the intercom stations to correct the problem.
• Ventilation - In some extreme instances the station may be
feeding back to itself. The speaker output may be feeding back
into the microphone within the housing. To eliminate this,
open a hole through the wall equal in size to the rectangular
opening in the backplate to allow the sound to escape.
2.2 Keybus Wiring
The PC5936 audio interface module has 4 terminals marked Key-
bus (red, black, yellow and green). Connect the four Keybus ter-
minals on the PC5936 to the four terminals on the control panel
marked Keybus (red, black, yellow and green).
2.3 Audio Link Connection
(see section 4.5, Audio Options,Option [6])
The PC5936 audio interface module has an RCA jack marked
AUDIO. Connect the RCA jack on the PC5936 to the RCA jack
found on the Escort5580TC.