3.16 Central Station Talk/Listen-in
(Not permitted on UL Listed systems)
When a Talk/Listen-in event occurs the PC5936 will seize the
telephone line, call the central station and initiate a talk/listen-in
session. The PC5936 will start a 90-second session of low-gain
listen-in on the station closest to the zone in alarm, or on all sta-
tions if the CS Listen All option is on (see 4.9 “Telephone Ring
Options” on page 16). When the central station operator presses
any key on the telephone a new 90-second session will begin.
If a Holdup, Panic or Duress alarm occurs, the operator will only
be able to listen-in, as the speakers will not be turned on. See 4.9
“Telephone Ring Options” on page 16 for information on pro-
gramming which events will trigger a talk/listen-in session.
Central station operators can control the talk/listen-in session
using the keys on their Touch-Tone* telephone. You can program
the functions of these keys by following the instructions in 4.7
“Phone Key Options” on page 14.
NOTE: Doorbells and monitoring will not work when talk/listen-in
mode is on.
NOTE: If talk/listen-in is active and another event occurs, the
PC5936 will end the talk/listen-in session and transmit the event
to the central station.
*Touch-Tone is a trademark of Stentor Resource Centre Inc.