[10] 24 Hour Supervisory Buzzer Zone
If this zone is violated when the system is either armed or
disarmed, the panel will immediately latch the keypad
buzzer until a valid user code is entered and will immediately
communicate to the central station.
[11] 24 Hour Burglary Zone
If this zone is violated when the system is either armed or
disarmed, the panel will immediately latch the alarm output
and communicate to the central station. The alarm will
sound for the Bell Cutoff time programmed in Section [02]
(“System Times”) or until a valid user code is entered.
[12] - [20]
The following zone definitions operate similar to the 24 Hour
Burglary except for the System Event output type and the
SIA identifier:
[12] 24 Hour Heat Zone
[17] 24 Hour Emergency Zone
[13] 24 Hour Gas Zone
[18] 24 Hour Sprinkler Zone
[14] 24 Hour Holdup Zone
[19] 24 Hour Water Flow Zone
[15] 24 Hour Medical Zone
[20] 24 Hour Freezer Zone
[16] 24 Hour Panic Zone
[21] 24 Hour Latching Tamper
If this zone is violated, the installer must enter Installer’s
Programming before the system can be armed.
[22] Interior Delay Zone
When the system is fully armed (ie. away armed), this zone
will, as is standard, follow the exit delay. It will also follow the
entrance delay, provided that a delay zone is first tripped.
If the delay zone is not tripped first, a zone defined as
‘Interior Delay’ will go into alarm instantly. When the system
is [
][9] no entry armed or stay armed this zone will be
active, but when it is tripped, it will initiate the entrance
[23] 24 Hour Bell/Buzzer Zone
If this zone is violated while the system is armed, the Bell will
be activated. If this zone is violated while the system is
disarmed, the keypad buzzer will activate.
[24] Push to Set Zone
Upon momentary violation of this zone, the exit delay will be
terminated. If you use this zone type, Exit Delay Termination
should not be enabled.
5.3 Zone Attributes
All zones, with the exception of 24 Hour and Fire,
have an exit delay. When the system is armed, the
zones may be violated during the exit delay without
causing an alarm.
Attributes for Fire Zones should not be changed
from the default settings.
Additional zone attributes can be programmed to customize
the operation of a zone for a specific application. The
following attributes are programmable for each zone:
• Audible / Silent –
This attribute determines whether or
not the zone will activate the alarm output.
• Pulsed / Steady –
This attribute determines whether the
alarm output will be steady or will pulse on and OFF
every second.
• Activate Chime –
This attribute determines whether or
not the zone will activate the chime feature (see Section
3.4 – “[
] [4] Door Chime On/Off”).
• Bypass Enable –
This attribute determines whether or
not the zone can be manually bypassed (see Section
3.4 – “[
] [1] Bypassing and Reactivating Stay/Away
• Force Arm Enable –
This attribute determines whether
or not the system can be armed while a zone is
violated. At the end of the exit delay, if this type of zone
is violated, it will be ignored by the panel. Once the
zone is secured, it will be monitored by the system.
This zone attribute, for example, will allow the user to
arm the system with the garage door open. Later, when
the door is closed, it will be armed along with the rest
of the system.
• Downlook Activation Option (Video) –
If enabled, this
attribute will activate the DLM-1/DLM-4 Downlook
module. When a given zone goes into alarm, it will
activate the DLM to take a picture of that zone.
Zones Attributes .............. Sections [21] - [26], Options [1] - [6]
5.4 Communicator – Dialing
If the
Communicator Disable
option is selected, the panel
will not attempt to call central station. If communication is
enabled, the panel will attempt to call central station when
an event with a valid Reporting Code occurs (See Section
5.7 “Communicator – Reporting Code”).
Communicator Call Direction
Options are used to
select which phone number the panel will dial when an
event occurs.
If the
DTMF Dialing
option is enabled, the panel will dial
using DTMF (touch tone). If the
Switch to Pulse Dial
is enabled, the panel will switch to pulse dialing on the fifth
attempt to call the central station. When this option is
disabled, the panel will always dial using DTMF. If
is disabled, the panel will always pulse dial.
When the
Force Dialing
option is enabled, if the panel fails
to call the monitoring station on the first dialing attempt, it will
dial out on every attempt thereafter with or without the
presence of dial tone.
The panel will attempt to send a signal to central station
eight times before indicating a Failure to Communicate
(FTC) trouble condition. The Third Phone Number can be
used as a back up for the first number in this situation (see
Section 5.6 – “Communicator – Phone Numbers”).
If the
Bell on FTC when Armed
option is enabled, an audible
alarm will sound during a period of communication failure.
If the
Answer Acknowledge Enabled (ID Tone)
option is
selected, the panel will pulse a tone on the telephone line to
indicate that the panel is on the line. The
ID Tone Frequency
can be set at either 2100Hz or at 1300Hz.
European Dialing Parameter
option will set the pulse
dialing Make/Break ratio to 67/33 from the North American
ratio or 60/40.
Contact your local telephone company to confirm
which dial setting should be used.