Ethernet/Cellular Programming Options
3G Alarm Communicator Installation Manual
[105] Ethernet Receiver 1 Local Port
Default (0BF4/3060)
Use this Section to set the value of the local outgoing port. Set the value of this port when your
installation is located behind a firewall and must be assigned a particular port number as deter-
mined by your central station system administrator. Valid range: 0000 - FFFF.
[106] Ethernet Receiver 1 Domain Name
Default ( )
Enter the Domain Name as 32 ASCII characters.
Ethernet Receiver 2 Options
[111] Ethernet Receiver 2 Account Code
Default (0000000000)
The account code is used by the central station to distinguish between transmitters. The account
code is used when transmitting heartbeat signals to the central station receiver. Signals received
from the control panel will use the control panel account number. Valid range: 000000000
. Programming all
or all
will cause a Module Configuration Trouble (yellow
LED=12 flashes).
If both Ethernet Receiver 2 and Cellular Receiver 2 are the same receiver (IP and port
number are identical), Ethernet Receiver 2 account will be used for Ethernet and Cellular.
[112] Ethernet Receiver 2 DNIS
Default (000000)
The DNIS is used in addition to the account code to identify the Communicator module at the cen-
tral station. Valid range: 000000 -
99999. Value is entered as leading
followed by the 5-digit
DNIS. Format is BCD.
Each Ethernet/Cellular receiver must be programmed with a unique DNIS.
[113] Ethernet Receiver 2 Address
Default (
Programming the Ethernet Receiver 2 IP address with will disable Ethernet.
Enter the Ethernet receiver 2 IP address. This address will be provided by your central station sys-
tem administrator. Format is 4 fields, each field is a 3-digit decimal. Valid range: 000-255.
When a valid IP address has been programmed, Ethernet Receiver 2 is enabled and will
communicate events over the Ethernet channel.
Ethernet Receiver 2 and Cellular Receiver 2 may be configured to communicate to the same cen-
tral station receiver.
To configure the device to operate using this common receiver mode functionality, program the
Ethernet Receiver 2 and Cellular Receiver 2, IP address and port number with the same values.
When operating in common receiver mode the Ethernet Receiver 2 account code will be used for
communications over Ethernet and Cellular.
Do not program Ethernet Receiver 1 and Ethernet Receiver 2 to communicate to same
[114] Ethernet Receiver 2 Remote Port
Default (0BF5/3061)
This Section is used to program the port number used by Ethernet Receiver 2. Set the value of this
port when your installation is located behind a firewall, and must be assigned a particular port
number as determined by your central station system administrator. Valid range: 0000 - FFFF.
Do not program Ethernet Receiver 1 and Ethernet Receiver 2 Port with the same value.
[115] Ethernet Receiver 2 Local Port
Default (0BF9/3065)
Use this Section to program the value of the local outgoing port. You can set the value of this port
when your installation is located behind a firewall and must be assigned a particular port number
as determined by your network administrator. Valid range: 0000 - FFFF.