C H A P T E R 3
More About Dictating
Dragon NaturallySpeaking User’s Guide
you could dictate “copyright sign” and then correct the result to be the
special character instead of the words “copyright sign.” The next time
you say “copyright sign,” Dragon NaturallySpeaking should enter the
symbol, not the words.
You may also want to enter special characters when you’re dictating
words with accent marks, such as “André.” Dragon NaturallySpeaking
includes the accent mark automatically for some words (for example,
“façade”), but not for all. If the program types the word without the
accent mark, you can correct the result to include the accented character.
For the complete list of special characters you can enter by using the
Correction dialog box, see the following sections in Appendix B:
“Publishing symbols” on page 151
“Currency symbols” on page 152
“Accented and international characters” on page 153
“Mathematical symbols” on page 155
To enter uncommon special characters as described in this section, you must
be using a vocabulary created with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 4.0. If your speech files
are from an earlier product, you must create a new vocabulary (Professional edition
only—see “Creating specialized vocabularies” on page 44) or a new set of user speech
files (see “Creating a new user” on page 112) to use this feature.
To dictate an uncommon special character:
In a document, dictate the phrase you want to use to enter the special
character (for example, say “copyright sign”). (Make a note of the phrase
you use.)
Dragon NaturallySpeaking enters the words into your document. (In this
example, it would enter “(c) sign” or “copyright sign.”)
Say “Correct That” to open the Correction dialog box.
ugpro.bk Page 58 Monday, August 9, 1999 9:42 AM