Technical data
Instructions for use
Polaris 600
Technical data
EMC declaration
General information
This device was tested for electromagnetic
compatibility using accessories from the list of
accessories. Other accessories may only be used
if they do not compromise the electromagnetic
compatibility. The use of non-compliant
accessories may result in increased
electromagnetic emissions or decreased
electromagnetic immunity of the device.
This device may be used in the direct vicinity of
other devices only if Dräger has approved this
device arrangement. If no approval has been given
by Dräger, it must be ensured that this device
functions correctly in the desired arrangement
before use. The instructions for use for the other
devices must be followed.
Electromagnetic environment
This device may only be used in environments
specified in section "Environments of use" on
page 16.
Radiated emis-
Class A, Group 1 (30 MHz to
1 GHz)
Conducted emis-
Class A, Group 1 (150 kHz to
30 MHz)
The emissions characteristics of this equipment
make it suitable for use in industrial areas and
hospitals (CISPR 11, Class A). If it is used in a
residential environment (for which CISPR 11
Class B is normally required), this equipment
might not offer adequate protection to radio-
frequency communication services.
The user might need to take mitigation
measures, such as relocating or reorienting the