Instructions for use
Polaris 600
Environments of use
Polaris 600 lights are intended for use in rooms
used for medical purposes, especially operating
rooms and treatment rooms.
The Polaris 600 light is certified and approved as a
surgical light. The Polaris 600 light uses LED
bulbs. This ensures low energy consumption and a
long service life of the bulb. The small size of the
LED bulbs makes it possible to use a modern
design which facilitates ease of handling and
cleaning while also maintaining good flow behavior
under laminar flow ceilings.
OR light mode
The Polaris 600 light combines the illumination
from 92 white LED bulbs to create a homogeneous
light column with deep cavity illumination and
minimal shadowing. The adjustable color
temperature, good color reproduction, and
adjustable illuminance ensure optimum working
conditions for demanding procedures within the
operating field and the examination field. The
illuminance can be adjusted in the OR light mode.
Ambient light mode (Endo light)
In the ambient light mode, the surroundings can be
illuminated for minimally invasive procedures. In
this light mode, the illuminance is significantly
lower than in the OR light mode. The illuminance
cannot be adjusted in the ambient light mode.
Color temperature
The color temperature can be adjusted in 4 steps,
which the surgeon can select depending on tissue
structure, operating field, and individual
Cold white light increases concentration, while
warm white light reduces dazzle effects and
increases the contrast.