Ceiling and wall attachment
Dr. Mach
Lamps and Engineering
2. Ceiling attachment
2.1 Preparatory work on the ceiling
2.1.1 Setting the safety dowels
Lamps, ceiling anchorage rings and intermediate flanges may only be attached to a ceiling of
concrete strength class greater than or equal to B25. In case of light-weight ceiling coverings,
the dowel anchor must be sunk completely into the concrete. To bridge this space use long
threaded bolts for attaching the ceiling tube.
In addition, take care that neither suspension tube nor attaching elements come into contact
with reinforcement components of the solid ceiling.
The lamp weight and the tilt of the long articulated arm(s) require that this work is performed
meticulously. This refers particularly to the use of a certified hammer drill and to observe the
drilling tolerances.
2.1.2 Mounting the ceiling anchorage ring to the solid ceiling
The scope of supply includes:
1 attachment set, consisting of:
Six safety dowels Fischer FHA 12/50 galZn
Mounting data Fischer
Bore template
To attach the ceiling anchorage ring to a solid ceil-
ing proceed as follows:
Drill the bore holes according to the figure di-
ameter 12mm and at least 100mm deep with a
certified hammer drill, using the enclosed bore
template. You can also use the ceiling anchor-
age ring as a template. In this case a second
person may be needed to assist.
Insert the safety dowels through the bores of
the ceiling anchorage ring in such a way, that
the washers lie flat to the ring.
Tighten the screws carefully using a torque
wrench (25Nm).
Light-weight ceiling panelling with a maximum
thickness of 30mm can be bridged using the en-
closed safety dowels. For panelling thicker than
30mm, it is necessary to remove the panelling be-
fore mounting.
Edition 06
11.03.2003 / Bak Page 7/48