13. At the Connection Description screen, enter a name
for this connection. You may also select an icon. The
name and icon do not affect your ability to connect to
the unit.
14. At the Connect To screen, use the drop-down
menu to select the COM port you found earlier in the
Device Manager.
15. Select the following COM port options:
• Bits per second: 115200
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: None
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow control:
Once connected, you will see a blank, white
HyperTerminal screen. Press Enter to activate the
configuration menu.
16. When prompted, enter the default user name
and password
If you
don't receive a prompt for your user name and
password, check the Com port you are using on your
PC and make sure you are using the cable provided.
Additional cables can be ordered from DPS Telecom.
17. The NetGuardian's main menu will appear. Type C
for C)onfig, then E for E)thernet. Configure the unit's IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
18. ESC to the main menu. When asked if you'd like
to save your changes, type Y for Y)es. Reboot the
NetGuardian to save its new configuration.