S e c t i o n 5
s u g g E s T E d i n s T A L L A T i o n
the pipe size should be at least the size of the inlet and
discharge ports of the pump or larger if highly viscous
material is being pumped . the suction hose must be non-
collapsible, reinforced type as the sANIFLO™ VC pump is
capable of pulling a vacuum . It is critical that all fittings
and connections are airtight or a reduction or loss of
pump suction capability will result .
INstALLAtION: months of careful planning, study
and selection efforts can result in unsatisfactory pump
performance if installation details are left to chance .
Premature failure and long term dissatisfaction can be
avoided if reasonable care is exercised throughout the
installation process .
LOCAtION: Noise, safety and other logistical factors
usually dictate where equipment should be situated on
the production floor . multiple installations with conflicting
requirements can result in congestion of utility areas,
leaving few choices for additional pumps .
Within the framework of these and other existing
conditions, every pump should be located in such a way
that six key factors are balanced against each other to
maximum advantage .
ACCess: First, the location should be accessible . If it
is easy to reach the pump, maintenance personnel will
have an easier time carrying out routine inspections and
adjustments . should major repairs become necessary,
ease of access can play a key role in speeding the repair
process and reducing total downtime . Verify that the site
also allows for ease of cleaning and proper drainage
during wash down .
AIr suPPLY: the HPVC pump is furnished with a one-
half inch (NPt) ball valve as the point of connection for
compressed air . Although air consumption varies with
each application/installation of the HPVC pump; the air
supply should be sized to provide at least 32 CFm @ 75
PsI . Furnished with your pump are an air filter and two
regulatorfilter combinations equipped with automatic
drains . the regulator marked “suction” controls the
amount of pressure available to the vacuum generator .
this pressure should be set at no more than 75 PsI to
ensure maximum efficiency .
the regulator marked “discharge” controls the amount of
pressure used to discharge the product from the pump .
the proper amount of discharge pressure is determined
by several factors including pumping distance, required
flow rate, product viscosity and piping size .
eLeCtrICAL : the control panel requires 120/220VAC at
.1 amps .
eLeVAtION: selecting a site that is well within the pump’s
dynamic lift capability will assure that loss-of-prime
troubles will be eliminated . In addition, pump efficiency
can be adversely effected if proper attention is not given
to site location .
PIPING: Final determination of pump site should not be
made until the piping problems of each possible location
have been evaluated . the impact of current installations
should be considered ahead of time to make sure that
inadvertent restrictions are not created for any remaining
sites .
the best choice possible will be a site involving the
shortest and straightest hook-up of suction and discharge
piping . unnecessary elbows, bends and fittings should
be avoided . Pipe sizes should be selected to keep friction
losses within practical limits . All piping should be
supported independently of the pump . In addition, the
piping should be aligned to avoid placing stresses on the
pump fittings .
If the pump is to be bolted down to a solid location, a
mounting pad placed between the pump stand and the
foundation will assist in minimizing pump vibration .
the proper orientation for this sANIFLO™ VC pump is to
have the vertical column in the vertical position .
solids passage capabilities:
CONNeCtING PumP tO CONtrOL PANeL: the control
panel should be connected to the pump as close as
possible without putting the control panel in harms way .
the control panel comes complete with seven feet of hose
to connect the control panel to the pump . the control panel
may be mounted farther from the pump than seven feet,
but this will decrease the capacity of the pump slightly .
moving the control panel farther away will also increase
the air consumption by approximately five-percent for
every additional ten feet of air tubing . the sanitary cap
which houses the probe and diffuser screen is placed on
top of the vertical tube and secured by a four inch sanitary
clamp . Your pump is now connected to the control panel .
CONNeCtING PumP tO HOPPer: the correct way to
connect the hopper to the pump is from the bottom of
the hopper using sanitary pipe & fittings . NOte: When
connecting pump to any type of hopper, never place the
flex hose into the hopper from the topside . the hopper
should always be connected to the pump from the bottom
of the hopper .
7.6 cm (3")
10.2 cm (4")
15.2 cm (6")