Rack Monitor 8800E/8801E
Document: Installation Manual
24 August 2016
Version: B.1
Page 14 of 29
Document: H71342
Note : Do not drill any additional (conduit) hole in the rack monitor enclosure. This will violate the
enclosure’s approvals and voids the warranty.
1.9 Electrical wiring / installation
For connecting the monitor to the sensors mounted on
a tank-truck a plug and cable set is being used.
If the monitor is set to EN13922 specifications a 10
wire cable with a Black plug MUST be used.
However, if needed and used outside the European
union a cable and Blue 3-J-plug can be provided
(Civacon Model 7100)
Although a plug and cable set can be directly
connected to the monitor, it is recommended to do this
through a junction box to prevent or limit the damage
caused by tank-trucks driving away with the plug still
attached to the socket.
The connections of the cable to the plug according
EN13922 are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7
In Table 1 is shown the alternative colour-code and
functional descriptions of all 10 wires.
Only Ex certified sensors within entity parameters
mentioned in Table 3 may be connected to the 8800E
and 8801E. OPW also recommends to use only
EN13922 sensors to ensure compatibility.
Note : read cable specifications mentioned under entity parameters
It is recommended to leave this pin 11 unconnected to avoid
disturbance on the other lines if not used.
See truck data communications below for details.
Figure 6
Figure 7