is the “Manufacturer” of the column-mounted jib crane of the series GBA and
wall-mounted jib crane of the series GBP, the subject of this technical publication.
carries out the check on manufacturing regarding the
“Quality system”
of the company by
N° 114
, according to the standard
All jib cranes, series GBA and GBP, are covered by the following warranty formula:
1. The warranty of the machine lasts for 36 months from delivery, attested to by the date of the invoice, taking into account the specifications
and exclusions outlined as will follow and except for different explicit agreements between the parties. It is subject to the reporting by
registered letter, within 8 days of the discovery of faults and the recognition of the existence of these by DONATI SOLLEVAMENTI S.r.l.
2. The warranty covers exclusively the resulting faulty parts from causes attributable to DONATI SOLLEVAMENTI S.r.l. and includes the
replacement or repair of the faulty part excluding the dismantling, reassembly and despatch costs. The parts which DONATI SOLLEVAMENTI
S.r.l. recognizes as faulty will have free despatch from the factory situated in Agrate (MB).
3. For components provided by third parties (commercial, electrical, mechanical and electromechanical components) the prevailing
warranty conditions are those of the respective manufacturers.
4. Parts damaged during transportation or handling, as well as those subject to normal wear and tear (e.g. gaskets) and/or to perishing by
atmospheric or environmental agents are excluded from the warranty. Damage from lack of or insufficient or wrong maintenance, from
unskilful use, improper use, use not allowed or not intended, from non-authorised modifications or repairs, from tampering and from
interventions by unqualified staff or not as explained in the manufacturer’s instructions are excluded from the warranty.
5. The validity of the warranty is subject to the correct installation, periodical checks and maintenance as in the instruction manual for
“installation, use and maintenance”, which accompanies the machine, as well as the diligent annotations in the enclosed “control
register” of all the maintenance work, checks, verifications, and periodical inspections.
6. The replacement of faulty parts does not imply the renewal of the period of warranty of the whole machine. DONATI SOLLEVAMENTI
S.r.l. is in any case exonerated from any obligation to give compensation to any claim and the Purchaser renounces any claim for costs
or damages, direct or indirect, also to third parties, due to any standstill.
7. The warranty is lost if non-original DONATI spare parts or spare parts not prescribed by DONATI are used.
8. For any dispute the Foro Giudiziario (Law Courts) of Legnano is exclusively competent.
With reference to the contents of this manual
declines any
in case of:
To be able to use the
, the certification of which is shown below, the Customer must scrupulously follow the
instructions indicated in this manual, and in particular:
The manufacturer’s responsibility and the warranty
legislation for accident prevention standards.