"Twitter" is a trademark or registered
trademark of Twitter, Inc.
"3GPP" is a trademark or registered trademark
of ETSI.
"Google" and "Google" logo, "Android" and
"Android" logo, "Android Market" and
"Android Market" logo, "Gmail", "mobile
Google Maps", "Google Talk", "Google
Latitude", "Google Calendar", "YouTube" and
"YouTube" logo and "Picasa" are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Google, Inc.
"Facebook" is a trademark or registered
trademark of Facebook, Inc.
"Ericsson" is a trademark or registered
trademark of Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson.
mixi and mixi logo are registered trademarks
of mixi, Inc.
DLNA is a trademark or registered
trademark of the Digital Living
Network Alliance.
HDMI, the HDMI Logo and High-
Definition Multimedia Interface, are
trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI
Licensing LLC.
"Microsoft", "Windows", "Outlook", "Windows
Vista", "Windows Server", "Windows Media"
and "ActiveSync" are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and other countries.
This product contains technology subject to
certain intellectual property rights of
Microsoft. Use or distribution of this
technology outside of this product is
prohibited without the appropriate license(s)
from Microsoft.
Content owners use Microsoft PlayReady
content access technology to protect their
intellectual property, including copyrighted
content. This device uses PlayReady
technology to access PlayReady-protected
content and/or WMDRM-protected content.
If the device fails to properly enforce
restrictions on content usage, content owners
may require Microsoft to revoke the device's
ability to consume PlayReady-protected
content. Revocation should not affect
unprotected content or content protected by
other content access technologies. Content
owners may require you to upgrade
PlayReady to access their content. If you
decline an upgrade, you will not be able to
access content that requires the upgrade.
Contains Adobe
Player technology by
Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Adobe Flash Player Copyright
Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights
Adobe, Flash and Flash logo are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of
Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United
States and/or other countries.