Main menu → left arrow button → Down arrow button
→ “Radio” menu selection → centre
button to enter → up or down arrow to select the channel you want to change → right arrow
button to select the channel → up or down arrow to change value → centre button to validate →
select other channel if necessary or leave this menu
Receivers will find the new frequency plan automatically : this procedure may take several seconds
according to your set up (distances, frequencies choice, disturbances, etc...)
choose your transmission power of each antennas output on the transmitter
! Note !
Please see explanations concerning power transmission page 26
Menu : Radio
Channel1 : 02 (5200 MHz)
Channel2 : 08 (5320 MHz)
► Tx1 power : 10 dBm
► Tx2 power : 10 dBm
Main menu → left arrow button
→ “Radio” menu selection → centre button to enter → up or
down arrow to “Tx power” → right arrow button to manage the power → up or down arrow to
change value (6dB to 23dB if your are inside a building , 6dB to 25dB if you are outside) → centre
button to validate