• E-mail:
Send an E-mail.
Note: “Use e-mail” must be enabled under DiViS DVR Setting (DiViS DVR Setting > System Setting >
Auxiliary Function).
- Subject: Subject of the e-mail.
- Content: Content of the e-mail.
- Attach Image: Attach an image of the video.
- Interval: Email will be sent once for every selected time interval.
Note: The following table will help complete the Subject and Content fields.
Subject: “At $$2, $$1 triggered at camera number $$0.
Subject: “At 07-18-2013 19:10:12, Motion triggered at camera
number 3.
• Transmit Event to FTP Server:
Transmitting image data to FTP
server (to use this function, FTP server must be set up at System).
- Upload Duration: The user declared period of time sending
image data to FTP when an event occurs. This differs depending
on the internet or system speed.
Reserved word
$$0 Camera
$$1 Events
$$2 Time
$$3 IP