5-4-3. Color & Motion
This menu allows the user to control the color of the recorded images, modify motion detection settings, and set
up relay outputs (sirens, locks, etc.) of the system
• Event notify method
- Detective motion - Notification:
Setup event of video loss. (Refer to 5-7. Event Setup)
• Pan/Tilt Camera Method
- Use pan/tilt camera:
Check this box when using PTZ cameras.
-- PTZ Camera: Choose the make and model of the
-- PTZ_ID: Choose ID (address) of PTZ camera.
-- Connect Setting: Select the serial port that the camera
uses to connect to the computer. Refer to camera
manufacturer’s documentation to set these values.
-- Speed: P/T-Pan/Tilt speed, F/Z-Focus/Zoom speed,
A.P-Auto pan speed (depending on PTZ camera,
Speed might not be adjustable).
-- Test: Test PTZ camera.