© Copyright 2003-2019 Dive Lab® Inc. All rights reserved.
This Guide is made available for the express use of owners and users of the Dive Lab XLDS systems.
This information is subject to periodic updates and changes. Always check the Dive Lab web site for the latest versions.
Document XLDS Guide – Section Four B
Revised August 20, 2019
XLDS System Pressure Gauge
RDC Gauge Comparison
Dive Lab recommends all XLDS system gauges as
well as support gauges be compared at least
every 24 months using certified master gauges.
This includes the RDC Red, Green, and Yellow
Diver HP, LP and diver pneumofathometer
gauges, as well as EGS submersible pressure
gauges, and any other pressure gauges used to
comparison in place if possible, using the Dive Lab
Gauge Comparator System or similar clean gas
significantly reduces the possibility of damaging
gauges and fittings, and introducing system
generated contamination in the form of Teflon®
tape and metal particles due to component
removal and re-installation. Guidance: Dive Lab
Gauge comparator system manual Revision 4,
If the gauges are to be removed and sent out for
comparison care must be taken to ensure the
gauges are correctly removed, handled, and
protected from damage and contamination. The
gauge ports must be free of old Teflon® tape and
particles. To help clear any debris from the
system, flow air thru the manifolds and / or the
pneumo “T”s after the gauges are removed to
help keep the Teflon tape and foreign particles
from entering the system while using a brass pic,
and /or 3/8” round nylon tube brush to remove
old tape. Cover all exposed ports and safeguard
the system until gauges are ready for installation.
If the gauges are to be removed and sent out for
comparison care must be taken to ensure the
gauges are correctly removed, handled, and
protected from damage and contamination. The
gauge ports must be free of old Teflon® tape and
particles. To help clear any debris from the
system, flow air thru the manifolds and / or the
pneumo “T”s after the gauges are removed to
help keep the Teflon tape and foreign particles
from entering the system while using a brass pic,
and /or 3/8” round nylon tube brush to remove
old tape. Cover all exposed ports and safeguard
the system until gauges are ready for installation.
Re-installation of gauges must be done carefully.
The threads of the gauges must be clean and
carefully wrapped with Teflon® tape two wraps,
starting 1 ½ to two threads back from the end of
the gauge stem. Lightly apply Christo Lube over
the Teflon tape to assist in lubrication of threads
during reinstallation. Install the gauges at
approximately two turns by hand and two turns
with a 9/16 wrench. Perform a Liquid leak test of
all joints disturbed using detergent and water.
Submersible Pressure Gauges
Submersible pressure gauges used with the EGS
system should be compared to a gauge of known
accuracy at least once every 24 months or
whenever accuracy is in question. The gauges
should be compared to a test gauge having an
accuracy of at least 0.25% full scale. Allowable
error for the submersible gauges is no more than
3% full scale. For a 5000 psig gauge this would be
+ or – 150 psig.