© Copyright 2003-2019 Dive Lab® Inc. All rights reserved.
This Guide is made available for the express use of owners and users of the Dive Lab XLDS systems.
This information is subject to periodic updates and changes. Always check the Dive Lab web site for the latest versions.
Document XLDS Guide – Section Four A
Revised September 30, 2019
3. Inspect all components for contamination,
corrosion and damage. If the internal and
external body shows corrosion or appears
contaminated, remove for cleaning and
further inspection, using the 1” wrench on the
base of the body.
4. Using the 1/16” Allen wrench, loosen and
remove the set screw (2), then unscrew the
seat guide (3), from the pad guide (5),
counter- clockwise.
5. Using the brass pick, remove the O-ring (4),
and discard.
Figure 56
6. Place all components in a clean container of
detergent and water, and clean using the
nylon brush, then rinse and dry. After
cleaning, inspect for corrosion and damage,
re-clean as necessary. Pay particular attention
to the seat area in the valve body. Any nicks
or dings in this area, will cause valve leakage.
7. Replace any components in question or the
entire valve.
1. Lightly lubricate a new O-ring (4), then place
in the pad guide (5), then assemble the pad
guide, seat guide together and secure.
2. Apply a small amount of thread locking
compound on the Allen set screw (2), and
tighten snugly, while holding the pad guide
Figure 57
3. Using the needle nose pliers or tweezers,
install the soft seat assembly, so the stainless
point end is pointing up.
4. Place the spring pad (6), so that the machined
out area for the spring faces up, then install
the spring (7), and thread the spring cap (8)
into the valve body (1), until the threads
disappear, then install the spring cap (8), and
run it down until it bottoms out by hand.
Figure 58
5. Loosen the spring cap (8), about 1/8 of a turn,
and slowly run the spring cap in, using the
5/16 Allen wrench, until there is about 3/16”
of an inch protruding through the main cap
(9). The valve is now ready for adjustment.
The O-ring (4), is the seat material that makes
the seal against the seat, in the main body. The
O-ring is captured between items 2 and 4.