© 2 0 0 1 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .
shut down inputs
This security system uses several inputs to shut down the remote
start operation of the motor or prevent remote start if certain
inputs are active. The two most important are hood and brake
inputs. The hood input will prevent the motor from starting, as
well as shut it down, any time the hood is opened. The brake
pedal will shut down the motor at any time during remote start
operation, as well as preventing the remote engine starting from
activating while it is being pressed.
starterguard anti-grind circuitry
Whenever the vehicle is remote started, advanced StarterGuard
anti-grind circuitry will prevent the starter from engaging, even
if the key is turned to the start position. This prevents damage
to the starter motor if the key is turned to the start position
during remote engine starting operation.
The microprocessor at the heart of your system is constantly
monitoring all of the switches and sensors connected to it. It is
designed to detect any faulty switches and sensors and prevents
them from disabling the entire system. The microprocessor will
The starter anti-grind circuitry only works when
the remote start system is operating the motor and the
starter interrupt relay has been installed.