The PRO-9744 alarm system is configurated for many different user
preferences. Please read this entire manual to fully understand the operation of
your specific unit's installation.
Owner's Manual
Remote Alarm with
Selectable Pre-Load Features
2 Four Button Anti Code Grabbing Programmable Transmitters
6 Channel Code Learning Receiver
Remote Panic All Modes
Protected Valet/Manual Override
8 Function LED- Armed, Disarmed, Arming, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3,
Zone 4, & Valet
Intrusion Alert With Memory
Audible Arm, Disarm, Defective Zone, and Tamper Indication
Instant Siren Activation
Starter Disable
True Last Door Arming
Defective Zone By-Pass
Hard Wire Switch Sensing
On Command RF Chirp Delete
6 Tone Multi-Tone Siren
Multiple Vehicle Operation
On Command R.F. Chirp Delete
R.F. Shock Sensor Delete
(optional Dual-Stage Shock Sensor required)
Active or Passive Arming
Active or Passive Door Locks
Ignition Control Door Lock On/Off
Ignition Control Door Unlock, (Drivers Door or All Doors), On or Off
Independent RF Headlamp Control
20 Second Headlight Illumination Arm Or Disarm, Both Or None
Panic On Lock Button Or On Separate Button