© 2 0 0 1 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .
Car*Com/Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL):
Your system is
compatible with Directed’s Valet Car*Com and AVL systems.
Car*Com offers a one-way pager system that allows many of the
security and convenience features of your Directed security
system to be operated from any touch tone telephone. Directed’s
AVL system shares the same basic Car*Com features, but takes
remote vehicle paging one step further by providing web-enabled
two-way GPS vehicle location services, including “bread crumb”
tracking and geo-fencing capabilities.
Hood Lock:
Prevents the vehicle’s hood from being opened
without a key, keeping thieves away from the system’s siren, the
battery connections, and other components under the hood.
Field Disturbance Sensor:
An invisible dome of coverage is estab-
lished by installing the 508D “radar” sensor. Your system can
react to any intrusions into this field with the full triggered
Power Locks:
This system offers lock outputs that can control
some manufacturers' power door lock systems. For other
systems, additional parts may be required.
Power Trunk Release:
The accessory output of the system can op-
erate a factory power release for the vehicle’s trunk or hatch.
Although the on-board relay can control most power trunk re-
leases, sometimes an optional relay is required. If the factory
release is not power-activated, Directed
's 522T trunk release
solenoid can often be added.