Introducing the MSQ
___________________________________________________________________________ Introduction
The MSQ™
MS detector has been specifically designed and engineered for
liquid chromatographic detection using Atmospheric Pressure Ionization
(API) and Mass Spectrometry (MS) technology. These technologies can
provide sensitive and selective detection of organic molecules.
Interfacing High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC or LC) and
MS provides the separation scientist with one of the most powerful
analytical tools available. Both LC and MS have developed to a point
whereby they represent two of the most important techniques in
characterizing and detecting organic compounds. Although the potential
benefits of interfacing LC to MS have been clearly recognized for many
years, producing a truly automated “connect-and-use” interface has proven
to be a challenging task.
Atmospheric Pressure Ionization (API) techniques now provide highly
sensitive detection using conventional to capillary LC flow rates on bench-
top MS detector systems. LC/MS works with typical solvent compositions,
whether the separation is achieved by isocratic or gradient elution.
Historically, LC/MS has been compatible only with volatile buffer systems
using modifiers such as trifluoroacetic acid, formic acid, and acetic acid.
Phosphate buffers, although extensively used in LC separations, were not
suited to LC/MS due to rapid blocking of the ion sampling region caused by
the deposition of involatile phosphate salts. The self-cleaning API source
allows for extended periods of operation in LC/MS with chromatographic
buffers such as phosphates or ion-pairing agents and samples in dirty
API using Electrospray (ESI) or Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization
(APCI) interfaces has proved to be invaluable in meeting sensitivity
requirements in quantitative methods. It can also provide structural
information, which is complementary to techniques such as NMR and infra
red spectroscopy.
This introduction focuses on the principal components of the system.
___________________________MSQ Hardware Manual ____________________________