Troubleshooting Help _____________________________________________________________________
Troubleshooting Help
The troubleshooting help system is designed to help you identify problems
in the following areas:
General system problems
Problems relating to the basic operation of the system; for example,
breaks in power supply.
Low sensitivity
Problems relating to low sensitivity. The symptoms are divided into
excessive noise, low signal, and no signal.
Inlet system/chromatography
Problems relating to liquid chromatography and the HPLC system.
Spectral problems
Problems relating to mass spectral data.
Problems relating to calibration.
Problems relating to tuning.
Problems relating to communications among the various parts of the
system and with Xcalibur.
Problems relating to the vacuum system.
MS resolution
Problems relating to MS resolution.
The troubleshooting help system describes the visible symptoms, the
probable cause of the problem, and suggestions on how to remedy it.
To open the troubleshooting help, double-click on the troubleshooting help
desktop icon.
___________________________ MSQ Hardware Manual ____________________________