PS-2000B Series User Manual
Chapter 5 – Monitoring Features
You are not required to transfer the network project file created
with the Pro-Studio to the client PS-B.
5.3.4 Read and Write of the System Monitor/RAS Feature
The read/write operation of the operating conditions of the client PS-B and Sys-
tem Monitor/RAS feature can be performed from the server PC via the Pro-Server.
• The status of the System Monitor/RAS feature is stored in the shared memory
for which device address is assigned.
n List of Device Addresses /n Bit Assign of DIN, Error Event,
and Error Mask
• The status of the System Monitor/RAS feature is transferred to the Pro-Server
via Ethernet from the PSB_Smon.exe. The RAS feature including voltage,
FAN, and temperature can be monitored by monitoring the device addresses
assigned from the Pro-Studio.
• The user applications in the server PC monitors the RAS feature through the
Pro-Easy.dll program provided from the Pro-Server.
• The client PS-B shares the data with the user applications on the server PC by
using the shared memory. The data transfers on both sides are processed via the
PSB_Ras.dll and Pro-Easy.dll programs.
• The client PS-B can be shut down and re-started by writing specific value to the
software reset port.
ay feature
Shared Memory
User Application
Pro-Server with Pro-
Studio (Optional)
User Application
Client PS-B
Server PC