Chapter 3 - System Setup
PS-2000B Series User Manual
USB Keyboard Support
Select [Enabled] or [Disable] if your system contains a USB controller
and you wish to use a USB keyboard. The available settings are [Dis-
abled] and [Enabled]. The factory default setting is [Auto]. If, however,
the USB Controller is set to [Disabled], this setting cannot be changed.
USB Mouse Support
This setting allows you to connect a USB mouse, even if the OS does
not support it. It allows the BIOS to use a mouse driver and treats the
mouse as if it were a PS/2 type mouse.The available settings are [Dis-
abled] and [Enabled]. The factory default setting is [Auto]. If, however,
the USB Controller is set to [Disabled], this setting cannot be changed.
Init Display First
When both a PCI and an AGP display boards are installed, this setting
designates which will have first priority. Settings are [PCI slot] or
[Onboard/AGP]. The factory default setting is [PCI slot].
AC97 Audio
Enables or disables the 810 chipset support for AC97 Audio. The
available settings are [Disabled] or [Auto]. The factory default setting is
Onboard LAN 1 (2)
Disables/enables the LAN connector. The available settings are [Dis-
abled] and [Enabled]. The factory default setting is [Enabled].
Internal EDID
The available settings are [Disabled] and [Enabled]. The factory default setting
is [Disabled].
IDE HDD Block Mode
This setting determines whether to enable the Block Mode on the HDD support-
ing the Block Mode. The available settings are [Disabled] and [Enabled]. The
factory default setting is [Enabled] and is recommended for most users.
Onboard FDC Controller
Designates whether the PS-B's FDD(Floppy Disk Drive) controller is
enabled or disabled. Settings available are [Disabled] or [Enabled]. The
[Enabled] selection is factory set.
Onboard Serial Port 1
Designates the PS-B's Serial Port 1 I/O address. The selections include
[Disabled], [Auto], [3F8/IRQ4], [2F8/IRQ3], [3E8/IRQ4] and [2E8/IRQ3].
The [3F8/IRQ4] selection is factory set and recommended for most users.
Onboard Serial Port 2
Designates the PS-B's Serial Port2 I/O address. The selections include
[Disabled], [Auto], [3F8/IRQ4], [2F8/IRQ3], [3E8/IRQ4] and [2E8/IRQ3].
The [2F8/IRQ3] selection is factory set and recommended for most users.