V.25 bis
Digicom SpA
number with another one, the number that you wish to operate on
must not be present in the Black List.
It is possible to insert a number into the File that is already present
in the Black List, for example due to an unsuccessful phone-call
made with the direct dialing command. In this case the number in
the Black List will maintain all the limitations laid down by the
presence of the number in the Black List.
Should the Black List be completely full, it is still possible to make
phone-calls for numbers contained in it (Black List allowing !).
It is however not possible to call new numbers until a new position
has been vacated in the Black List.
This guarantees that any other unsuccessful phone-calls may be
inserted into the Black List with all the envisaged limitations.
Should there be a power failure, the data in the File and Black List
will be maintained any way with the warning that any timers that
might have been allocated to it will be frozen until it is next
switched on.
Indicates the current state of the telephone number.
It is made up of six ASCII characters following the telephone
number indicating respectively:
The dialing state of the number to be called (Z) (1 character).
The delay time (P) (1 character).
The number of redialing attempts (S) (1 character).
The prohibition time for further attempts (T) (3 characters).