AT Command Set Description
Digicom SpA
This command disables the auto-speed function (that allows the
interface speeds to be automatically selected up to 2400 bps) and
defines the operation with constant DTE side speed for the value
selected (e.g. “AT*I6” the modem remains forced on the interface
side to operate at 4800 bps; it is thus indispensable to preset the
DTE to 4800 bps.).
With forced speed on the DTE side, the format and parity is
detected by the AT characters anyhow.
If the desidered speed is 4800 or 9600 bps, the command must be
given at 2400 bps, so after the OK message, the modem starts
working at the speed selected.
Speed at 9600 bps can also be selected through a software switch.
if 1/7 dip switch is at ON at the power on, the modem is ready to
work at 9600 bps (same as *I7 command).
= Autobaud enabled from 300 to 2400 bps.
= DTE side speed fixed at 300 bps.
= DTE side speed fixed at 1200 bps.
= DTE side speed fixed at 2400 bps.
= DTE side speed fixed at 4800 bps.
= DTE side speed fixed at 9600 bps.
This command enables the CCONF interface signal (pin 19).
Through V.24 interface of MAINPORT it is possible to pass from
asynchronous to synchronous mode and viceversa.
Example: after the modem has been connected to a data bank in
asynchronous with error correction, you want to connect through
a synchronous emulation card to a remote terminal without
reprogramming the modem but simply turning a switch.
This is possible by controlling pin 19 on the MAIN PORT. When