Use of the Modem
Digicom SpA
Auto-Baud and Auto-Parity Detection
When in command mode, each time an AT command is entered,
the SNM 15 modem will automatically analyze the prefix “AT”
or “at” to detect the speed and parity of your computer or
SNM 15 will accept DTE speeds of 300, 1200, 2400 bits per
second. The modem has the ability to perform interface speed up
to 9600 bps (See
command for details).
The modem will accept even, odd, mark, space and no parity.
Data length
Each character of the AT command must be an ASCII code with
any of the following format combinations.
1 start bit
7 data bits
1 stop bit
1 start bit
7 data bits
1 stop bit
1 start bit
7 data bits
no parity
2 stop bits
1 start bit
8 data bits
no parity
1 stop bit