Cyclic Program Example: Program the controller to operate every 5 days
Turn the to WEEKLY/CYCLIC mode.
Press and select cyclic irrigation
appears with EVERY 1 DAY. To select every
1 days, press and 1 is blinking. Press and change the blinking 1 to EVERY 5
DAYS. Repeat the same steps to change the 5 days setting or move to next step
Weekly Program Example: Program the controller to operate on EVEN days
Turn the to WEEKLY/CYCLIC mode.
Press to select EVEN mode, the appears under EVEN and the day of the
week to water arrow appears under every day. Select the day on which there
will be no irrigation. Press , and the day of the week to water arrow is
blinking under M (Monday). Press to select the irrigation day. Press , and
the day of the week to water arrow is blinking under Tu (Tuesday). Press to
skip Tu (Tuesday). The arrow will disappear and will reappear flashing under W
(Wednesday). Repeat the same steps to cancel any irrigation day of the week. The
same method is use when selecting ODD days. To deactivate the program, press
until OFF appears. Move to next step START TIME.
(Change the
1-day to 5)