Epsilon-8130 User Manual Revision 1.0 PRELIMINARY
Page 4
ESD-Sensitive Electronic Equipment
Observe ESD-saf e handling procedures when working with this product.
Always use this product in a properly grounded work area and wear appropriate
ESD-preventive clothing and/or accessories.
Always store this product in ESD-protective packaging when not in use.
Safe Handling Precautions
The Epsilon-8130 board contains a high density connector with many connections to sensitive electronic
components. This creates many opportunities f or accidental damage during handling, install ation and connection
to other equipment. The list here describes common causes of f ailure f ound on boards returned to Diamond
Systems f or repair. This inf ormation is provided as a source of advice to help you prevent damaging your Diamond
(or any vendor’s) boards.
ESD damage
– This type of damage is usually almost impossible to detect, because there is no vis ual sign of failure
or damage. The symptom is that the board eventually simply stops working, because some component becomes
def ective. Usually the f ailure can be identif ied and the chip can be replaced. To prevent ESD damage, always f ollow
proper ESD-prevention practices when handling computer boards.
Damage during handling or storage
– On some boards we have noticed physical damage from mishandling. A
common observation is that a screwdriver slipped while installing the board, causing a gouge in the PCB surf ace
and cutting signal traces or damaging components.
Another common observation is damaged board corners, indicating the board was dropped. This may or may not
cause damage to the circuitry, depending on what is near the corner. Most of our boards are designed with at least
25 mils clearance between the board edge and any component pad, and ground / power planes are at least 20 mils
f rom the edge to avoid possible shorting f rom this type of damage. However these design rules are not suf f icient to
prevent damage in all situations.
A third cause of f ailure is when a metal screwdriver tip slips, or a screw drops onto the board while it is powered on,
causing a short between a power pin and a signal pin on a component. This can cause overvoltage / power s upply
problems described below. To avoid this type of f ailure, only perf orm assembly operations when the system is
powered of f .
Sometimes boards are stored in racks with slots that grip the edge of the board. This is a common practice f or board
manuf acturers. However our boards are generally very dense, and if the board has components very close to the
board edge, they can be damaged or even knocked of f the board when the board tilts back in the rack. Diamond
recommends that all our boards be stored only in individual ESD-saf e packaging. If multiple boards are stored
together, they should be contained in bins with dividers between boards. Do not pile boards on top of each other or
cram too many boards into a small location. This can cause damage to connector pins or f ragile components.
Power supply wired backwards
– Our power supplies and boards are not designed to withstand a reverse power
supply connection. This will destroy each IC that is connected to the power supply (i.e. almost all ICs). In this case
the board will most likely will be unrepairable and must be replaced. A chip destroyed by reverse power or by
excessive power will of ten have a visible hole on the top or show some def ormation on the top surf ace due to
vaporization inside the package.
Check twice before applying power!
Overvoltage on analog input
– If a voltage applied to an analog input exceeds the design specification of the
board, the input multiplexor and/or parts behind it can be damaged. Most of our boards will withstand an erroneous
connection of up to
35V on the analog inputs, even when the board is powered of f , but not all boards, and not in
all conditions.
Overvoltage on analog output
– If an analog output is accidentally connected to another output signal or a power
supply voltage, the output can be damaged. On most of our boards, a short circuit to ground on an analog output
will not cause trouble.
Overvoltage on digital I/O line
– If a digital I/O signal is connected to a voltage above the maximum specified
voltage, the digital circuitry can be damaged. On most of our boards the acceptable range of voltages connected to
digital I/O signals is 0-5V, and they can withstand about 0.5V beyond that (-0.5 to 5.5V) bef ore being damaged.
However logic signals at 12V and even 24V are common, and if one of these is connected to a 5V logic chip, the
chip will be damaged, and the damage could even extend past that chip to others in the circuit.