Epsilon-8130 User Manual Revision 1.0 PRELIMINARY
Page 33
8.1.8 Web Interface Activation / Deactivation
The web interf ace can be activated and deactivated through either the command line interf ace or the web Control
Using the Control Panel, in the Conf iguration/Security/Switch/Access Management Conf iguration screen, f irst
ensure the mode is set to Disabled as shown belo w. This is the def ault mode. If it is not set to Disabled, set it as
Disabled and click Save.
This conf iguration should be stored on the switch with the f ollowing CLI command:
#copy startup-config flash:{filename}
To disable web access of the switch, in the Control Panel navigate to the Conf iguration/Security/Switch/Access
Management Conf iguration screen, change the mode to Enabled and click Save.
Now there is no access to the switch using the web interf ace. To store this conf iguration in f lash as the standard
conf iguration on startup, enter the f ollowing command in the CLI:
#copy running-config startup-config
To allow web access of the switch in the f uture, enter the f ollowing commands in the CLI:
#copy startup-config flash:backup_config
#copy flash:{filename} startup-config
Then reboot the switch.
8.1.9 Firmware Upgrade
The f ollowing section shows the steps necessary to upgrade the f irmware:
1. Connect to the web interf ace of EPS-8130 switch and navigate to Maintenance -> Sof tware -> Upload
(as shown in the f igure below)
2. Choose Epsilon-8100.dat f ile and click on upload
The existing f irmware is erased and new f irmware loaded. Once the upgrade completes the switch reboots
Figure 12
– Firmware Upgrade
8.1.10 Save Startup Configuration