Epsilon-8130 User Manual Revision 1.0 PRELIMINARY
Page 32
3. Click on Save to save the mirroring conf iguration.
Other Mirroring options -
Port to mirror also known as the mirror port. Frames f rom ports that have either source (rx) or destination
(tx) mirroring enabled are mirrored on this port. Disabled disables mirroring.
Mirror Mode Conf iguration
1. Rx only - Frames received on this port are mirrored on the mirror port. Frames transmitted are not
2. Tx only - Frames transmitted on this port are mirrored on the mirror port. Frames received are not
3. Disabled - Neither f rames transmitted nor f rames received are mirrored.
4. Enabled - Frames received and f rames transmitted are mirrored on the mirror port.
8.1.7 Setup QoS
Basic QoS classif ication configuration can be done per port. Ingress traf f ic coming on each port can b e assigned to
a QoS class (CoS), PCP, DPL and DEI.
The f ollowing example shows the QoS ingress port classif ication:
All traf f ic coming on port 1 is mapped to Cos 2 and PCP is set as 1.
Web GUI Conf iguration: (Navigate to Conf iguration ->QoS->Port Classif ication)
Figure 11
– QoS Ingress Port Classification