Epsilon-8130 User Manual Revision 1.0 PRELIMINARY
Page 15
The command line interf ace (CLI) is a modal, line-based interf ace with no screen editing f eatures where commands
are executed immediately upon end -of -line. The CLI can be accessed directly via the serial connection. The user
must log in bef ore CLI commands can be executed.
7.1 Making an Initial Connection
Serial line conf iguration:
38400 baud
8 bit data
No parity
1 stop bit
Login inf ormation
Username: admin
Password: {none}
The board is shipped with an IP address of This allows the WEB interf ace to be accessed at that
The IP address, mask and gateway must be set according to your environment, or you can enable IP and DHCP if
your environment includes a DHCP server. For example:
# configure terminal
(config)# interface vlan 1
(config-if-vlan)# ip address dhcp
(config-if-vlan)# end
Below example depicts conf iguration of static IP address,
# configure terminal
(config)# interface vlan 1
(config-if-vlan)# ip address
(config-if-vlan)# end
Display the IP address to conf irm:
# show ip interface brief
Vlan Address Method Status
---- -------------------- -------- ------
1 Manual UP
7.2 Login/Logout Procedures
To get access to the CLI you must login by entering a username and password. You will automatically be queried
about the password.
The password is conf igurable. You may logout at any time and at any context level using the exit command