JINDLU04 Rev G 21/04/16
There should be no combustible materials for
a distance of 250mm either side of the stove
or 680mm above. No combustible furniture
should be placed any closer than 800mm from
the front of the stove.
Allow sufficient clearance between the stove
pictures, electrical equipment or
ornaments etc, as these could be damaged
and could potentially create a fire hazard
The flue serving this appliance must be dry,
free from cracks and obstructions and be in
accordance with the designations shown in
Table 1.
The diameter of the flue should not be less
than 127mm and not more than 200mm.
If these requirements are not met the
chimney should be lined by a suitable
If there is no existing chimney then either a
prefabricated block chimney in accordance
with Building Regulations Approved
Document J or a twin-walled insulated
stainless steel flue to BS EN 1856 can be used.
These chimneys must be fitted in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions and
Building Regulations.
Flue Type
Minimum Designation
Masonry or flue block
flue with liner
T400 N2 D3 G
(BS EN 1443:2003)
Clay Flue Blocks
FB1 N2
(BS EN 1806:2006)
Clay/Ceramic Liners
B1 N2
(BS EN 1457:2009)
Concrete Liners
(BS EN 1857:2003)
Factory Made Metal
T400 N2 D3 G
(BS EN 1856-1:2003)
The chimney/flue should have a vertical
height of at least 4.5 metres and should
terminate in accordance with Table 2.
If the chimney is believed to have previously
served an open fire installation, it is possible
that the higher flue gas temperature from the
stove may loosen deposits that were
previously firmly adhered, with the
consequent risk of flue blockage. It is
therefore recommended that the chimney is
swept a second time within a month of
regular use after installation.
Table 1
– Minimum Flue Designations