User Manual v2.19
The dS378 provides eight (8) volt free contact relay outputs with a current rating of up to
16Amp each, 7 flexible I/O's which can be analogue or digital, 2 serial ports (3.3v level) and
an RS485 serial port. The module is powered from a 12vdc supply which can be regulated or
unregulated. The relays are SPCO (Single Pole Change Over) types. The normally open,
normally closed and common pins are all available on the screw terminals.
LED indication
The dS378 provides a red LED mounted immediately next to each relay to indicate whether it
is in a powered state (LED on), there are also two LED's mounted in the Ethernet connector
which will flash with Ethernet traffic. A row of three LEDs, Blue, Green and Red, are available
for status indication. The Red LED lights when the module is in bootloader mode – this is when
the IDE is uploading system firmware to the module. The Green LED lights the board begins
running user programs. All three LEDs are available and can be controlled as digitalports 32-
LedBlue 32
LedGreen 33
LedRed 34
The “FlashingLeds” example provides a colourful display showing how to use them.
There are also LEDs on the I/O lines. These indicate the I/O status in digital output and VFC
input modes only.
Power supply
The dS378 requires a 12v DC supply capable of supplying a minimum of 1A. This is most easily
provided by a low cost mains adapter. A suitable universal adapter is available on our website
and may be ordered along with the modules. Connection is via the 2.1mm DC jack socket.
Positive on the center pin.
Operating temperature
-40C to +70C
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