User Manual v2.19
Analogue/Digital flexible I/O's
The dS378 has seven flexible I/O ports, numbered 1-7, which can be your selection of:
1. Digital open collector output.
2. Digital open collector output with passive pullup to 12v
3. Digital input (0-12v, 2.5v threshold).
4. VFC (Volt Free Contact) input.
5. 10bit Analogue input, range 0-3.3v (internal supply voltage)
Connection examples
Example input - connecting a switch
Connecting a simple switch could not be
easier, just wire the switch between a pin (P)
and ground (0v). When the switch closes the
input will become active.
Make sure you use the 1 option in the
digitalport declaration to enable the ports
passive pull-up
Example output - connect a relay
You can connect your own 12V relays (200mA
max), the first coil pin of the relay is wired to
the 12V supply terminals on the board, the
other is wired to the output pin (P). When the
output pin becomes active it is driven down to
0V ground, the relay will have 12V across the
terminals and switch, so COM is connected to
NO (Normally Open).
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